IT IS 2011!!! The New Year is REALLY here and we need to become more positive in our lives more than anything. Every turn you make you see negative things. From the media to politics to even our own households(marriages, children, ourselves). So how do we include that into our daily routine?? Two important things we need to do is believe in ourselves and believe in the power of our God. He will guide you right……ALWAYS!!!! Last year (yes, 2010 is gone) I read a lot of articles and books on embracing a positive lifestyle. Thinking positive, being positive and living positive is the only way I want to be. Why are there so many obstacles in my(our) way??? Why are so many people sharing a positive mind but complaining of their negative lives??? So, my goal was to dig deeper into finding ways to help people (and myself) get to where we need to be. And I have found one way that will assist in doing so……... “Affirmations”!!!!!

A lot of people don’t have confidence in themselves anymore. With all the turmoil in our economy negative way of thinking is becoming normal. People have lost their homes and cars. Lost their jobs. Lost their life savings. Lost their families. Lost their way…….Gratitude and being humble is not a priority anymore. So many people have been thrown out of their comfort zone that they are no longer happy. And negativity have increased. So, today we are taking back our happiness and confidence so we can stand tall again.
An affirmation is recognizing or confessing the TRUTH into something. Putting it into the atmosphere. Putting positive energy out there about you to bring positive energy back to you. So, in essence you want to recognize the truth or confess the truth in everything you do. Recognize the truth or confess the truth in everything about you.
Now, we want to kick all negative affirmations out the window!!! Kick it right out of your mind!!!! Fight it head on!!!! After kicking negative ways and thinking from your mind you MUST BELIEVE in everything POSITIVE.
You must become a True Optimist. There is no room for pessimism.
Lesson #1---“Time to say Good-Bye to Negative Thinking
You will need 2 pieces of paper for this.
Write down at least 10 negative (yes negative) descriptions about yourself. Something you know you do not like about yourself. Go on you know what they are. Write them down….All of them. You missed one. Add that one too. You hear them in your head everyday. Don’t be shy now. Get all of them out.
Okay, now take the 2nd page of paper and write the opposite of each negative description.
e.g. NEGATIVE: I’m chatterbox(oh lord, yes I am)-à POSITIVE: I will talk more of positive things(being talkative is not all that bad—it’s the content I talk about-I want to get rid of gossip(speaking and listening). See where I did not say “I gossip too much”--"GOSSIP" is a negative word. I want to continue talking, just in a positive manner.
After writing a positive rebuttal to all your negative list it is time to say good-bye. Now take that negative list and start to rip it into very small pieces shouting out into your space with a positive attitude about yourself:
“I will no longer be a hostage to negative thinking”
Keep saying it until you really feel as if you are free from all those negative points about yourself.
Now each new positive sentence will become your affirmations designed specifically for you.
Change And Positive Thinking has now taken place………………………………………
Lesson #2---“Rebuilding the Positive You”
Okay, you have changed in your mind all the negative qualities against you. So, let’s rebuild thy self back up. Let’s start believing in “ME” again. If you can’t believe in yourself, who will? Believing in yourself and what you do is the stepping stone you need in 1 step of self happiness. Nobody can give you that. You must create that. So, in conjunction of transforming negative thinking into positive thinking lets add on more affirmations to confirm that.
Think of somebody you truly adore. Think of somebody you envy (I said it “envy”—I know this is a negative word. You will see the logic in it). It can be anybody. Parent, sibling, teacher, best friend, famous person…heck even the President or his wife.
· Get another piece of paper. Yes, you have to write again.
Write down what you like about this person. And be general about them.
Now with each entry you are going to place yourself into that description. So, let’s say you picked Oprah and you said “Oprah is a very caring a woman”.
You will now change it to: “Oprah Torya is a very caring a woman”.
Put each expression on an index card so you can read them to yourself throughout the day. Take the index cards with you where ever you go and incorporate them into your life. The more you say SELF-LOVE to yourself the quicker you will believe yourself.
If you can think of such nice and positive things of another person wouldn’t you want to possess those qualities too?
Now if you are confused with the word "envy" just think of someone you hated on. Do not sit there and say you have never done it. Everybody has done it at least once intentionally or unintentionally. Think about what it is that burns you so much about that person, e.g. “She thinks she is somebody special driving that Mercedes”.
So, now write your affirmation:
“I will own a quality car suited just for me within my lifestyle and budget”
That affirmation will prepare you and your mind into the steps of buying that good quality car that is just right for you.
And now you can put an end to that negative way of thinking about that person. Hey, that person may just become a very close acquaintance of yours:-)
Lesson #3--you can DREAM...........that helps with being positive.
I know I got you doing a lot of writing, but writing the truth about you is vital in helping you understand about being positive. Visualization of positive words of yourself is fundamental in shaping a more positive and happier you.
You need 3 columns (or even 3 pages). You will write all your desires for each. Indulge yourself the freedom to dream.
1st-How I like to be
2nd-What I like to have
3rd-What I like to do
Stay in present tense with your dreaming. You can never get the past back. You can always place the present into your future.
Once you have wrote those desires down. You are going to write a gratitude list and give thanks to:
1st-What you are
2nd-What you have
3rd-What you are already doing
It is part of the process to reminisce and give appreciation to the things in your life already. In order to become more positive you have to possess some humbleness, respect and happiness to who you are already. If you are not content in where you are in your life at this moment what make you think you can move forward??? You have to be HAPPY with you. With all the right judgments, mistakes, flaws and fine points you have to be okay with YOU. Being POSITIVE is not just for self. It’s for you to nourish on and then to encourage and support others into affirming this as well. This will keep the cycle of being positive going in a full circle.
I believe that doing these little exercises will put you 1 step ahead of yourself in becoming a positive person and loving you.
Good Luck with 2011 and think Positive in everything you do.
Don't forget to spread my message so others can learn about positive thinking too. Thank You!!!!!
Until next time...........................LEARN~PROSPER~GROW