Everybody begin to write down their New Year’s resolutions around Christmas time in order to have them down on paper in time to bring the New Year in. To me it’s a wasted time of energy. Okay, some of the simpler goals you do achieve in the month of January. You are excited. You are on a roll. February brings an increase in momentum and more little goals are achieved. Now March is here and goals are slowly being attempted. April weather is looking springier outside (if that’s a word-lol) and goals are being forgotten. Month of May you will attempt to accomplish a goal. Its warm outside; the sun is shining. You are too busy now. By June you have accomplished probably 5 of the 20 resolutions you wrote down initially.
Long live the Vision Board!! People have been doing this for years and not realizing that this is a valuable and helpful tool in your life. Simply put this is a collage of images of your dreams and desires that you’ve torn out from various magazines, newspapers, old books and using them with affirmations, positive words/quotes and biblical verses. It can also be called a dream board, treasure map or vision map. Images and goals that you will look at on a daily or bi-daily (another new word of mineJ) basis. It is a known fact that if you study something everyday at the same time for 21 days straight it will become a habit. Your mind will become conditioned to believe what you are thinking. Vision boards are so much better than jotting down resolutions to accomplish. The more you visualize your goals the more your mind internalizes that “Vision” and assist in manifestation of that. You heard the saying…..”Believe, Achieve, And Receive”. It’s true. When your thoughts starts to Believe (passion, faith) in something you will achieve (accomplish) that purpose/desire-- hence you Receive (obtain). Presto….manifestation!!!!! So I am going to give you the steps on making your own Vision Board (and you should modify throughout the year).
Supplies you’ll need for creating a Vision Board:
· Poster board/or some type of album. (I use a Scrapbooking Album I found at Michael’s on clearance-$5) And don’t go for the boring white at first grab. Get a colored board if you feel the need to do so.
· A big stack of magazines. Make sure you find lots of different types. If you limit your options, you’ll lose interest after a while. Women’s, Health, Men’s, Travel, Food, Home Improvement, Sale circulars, Entertainment, Sports, etc.
· Lots of Glue sticks—they go fast. Spray adhesive (if you can control the spray) Not Elmer’s (It makes the pages ripple.) Rubber cement is a good choice as well.
Scrapbooking accessories, Color markers, Rubber stamps, decorative scissors(helps beautify your work)
Favorite beverage(I love a big glass of wine-Moscato or my new choice Sangria)
Music and Friends---If you are having a “Make a Vision Board Party”-Friends are helpful they might find something you are looking for while your are choosing your pictures.
Step #1
Visualize your purpose in life (What does your character say about you). Visualize the purpose of this Vision Board (What are you trying to SEE). Visualize what you are going after (what is your end results—you see results is plural)
Step #2
Turn on your relaxing and mellow music. Pour your favorite beverage of choice. Create a relaxing, peaceful ambiance.
Step #3 Start going through the magazines, books and newspaper and tear out all pictures that make you feel good or represent something you want to achieve. E.g. you see that new washer and dryer from Sears in that funky Electric Blue color. You feel fuzzy inside looking at it. Hubby might need to Visualize it so it can become that “Put a Smile –I Love you” Gift. Tear it out. Or you see a plus size model smiling as if she is on top of the world (maybe that’s what you need to regain your confidence now that you are a size 16). Tear out all pictures that place you in that happy zone.
Steps #4 After you have gone through a few magazines go back to your purpose and ask yourself with each picture what it represents. If it represents something place it on your board. Cut them out using creative flair and glue to your board. Don’t choose pictures because that’s what you “WANT”. Choose it because it has a purpose for you. Choosing that Carnival Cruise picture because you deserve it is not a purpose. Choosing that Hawaiian Sunset picture because you want to reward yourself with a vacation because you finally obtained your college degree has a purpose. Purpose over Wants. That will take away the selfish and greedy thinking. It’s okay to tear out that Black BMW 1 Series 120i. It has a purpose. You gave your baby that you drove for the last 5yrs to your son so he can have a car in college. Purpose!
Step #5
Use your Scrapbooking accessories, Color markers, Rubber stamps and decorative scissors to add personality to your masterpiece. Add your affirmations, positive words/quotes and biblical verses to make it even more powerful.
Step #6
Idea: Make 2 small ones and place 1 in the bathroom and 1 at the door you leave out of to go to work.
There are no concrete rules to making your Vision Board. Make your rules up along the way. Just enjoy what you are doing. Its positive and its something only for you. Modify your board as your life manifest changes. Modify your vision as your accomplishments become reality. Add new pictures as you go along. Add more color. More glitter. More stickers if you see fit. Have fun with this. The happier you become the happier you are! Your home! Your family! Your finances! You get the picture.
I hope this help you in beginning a New Vision in your New life in the New Year. And I want to post your Vision Board so it gives others the initiative to do one too.